Tag: office

24. Videotutorial – compare documents in Word compare

24. Videotutorial – compare documents in Word

Two or more documents in Word with small or larger differences can be compared by integrated tool Compare documents. It highlights individual differences clearly and you just decide the change you save or delete. This video helps you to understand this issue and set this tool correctly. If this guide has helped you, become a fan on Facebook […]

Default text encoding typ for import import1

Default text encoding typ for import

Maybe the article title does not say anything, but if you are often importing txt or csv files in Excel, this guide will help you set the default encoding type. Generally importing serve to convert the file from another application into spreadsheets in Excel. This guide will help you import text, you can find it […]

23. Videotutorial – blank row below each row meziradky

23. Videotutorial – blank row below each row

I received the question about how to insert new blank row in the table below each row. Surprisingly, the solution is not complicated, it is only a play with sorting. Check out how to do it in one minute video. If this guide has helped you, become a fan on Facebook and recommend this site to your […]

Excel Paste special options paste special

Excel Paste special options

When you copy cells in Excel, the user can choose how the copy inserts. I often encounter questions as how copying only the result value, not to change the column width, to transfer only the formatting etc. And all these problems are solved by a single choice – Paste special. Check out the article on the most […]

22. Videotutorial – showing hidden columns and rows skryte

22. Videotutorial – showing hidden columns and rows

It is also strange to you that the column names in the table sometimes omitted some letter? It can make a sense, if it is desirable to have such a column hidden, eg. with helping calculations. How such column again to unhide? Have a look at this one minute video. If this guide has helped you, become a […]

21. Videotutorial – presentation from Word outline word vs pp

21. Videotutorial – presentation from Word outline

Making a presentation can be faster than you think. Especially if you have already text outline prepared in a text document – in Word. Check out this video that will show you the entire process. If this guide has helped you, become a fan on Facebook and recommend this site to your friends, it can be useful […]

Function SUM and AVERAGE suma prumer

Function SUM and AVERAGE

One of the basic functions, yet many people are not using. If they know it they could save much work in calculating basic summaries. We are talking about the SUM and AVERAGE – end of counting totals and averages manually. SUM description =SUM(value 1, value 2, … ,value 255) values 1 … 255 are cells with the numbers or values for […]

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