Tag: office

Setting new query qry1

Setting new query

To get information from tables are designed Queries. This object in Access gets the data from tables or other queries like filters in Excel, but at a much more advanced level. Queries can not only filter but also to count, group, and even make multiple changes in tables – eg. increasing the price of all products. If […]

Setting new table 0

Setting new table

In the created database it is good to start with tables because without them the database does not make sense. In previous article you could read how to set up a new database. Now we look at the creation of tables, working again with version 2010. Access is not limited by number of rows in a […]

29. Videotutorial – Sections in PowerPoint oddily

29. Videotutorial – Sections in PowerPoint

For the arrangement of slides in presentations to chapters in PowerPoint (since version 2010) we use Sections. In this video you will learn how to work with them. Even for the presenter may be the Sections perfect feature, allowing faster to find the desired slides, or simply move whole Section to another location. If this guide has helped you, become a […]

Setting new database db1

Setting new database

Microsoft Access is used to create and manage databases. Generally, it is a higher level of Excel because Access does not have limitations on the number of records in tables, and links between the tables is created more efficiently than in Excel – using relations. The database is a collection of related data objects and […]

Replacing fonts in PowerPoint zamenit pisma1

Replacing fonts in PowerPoint

When creating presentations, I often see that I need to merge several presentations into one and wrestling with various formatting because all such “combined” presentations. To unify the design we can multiple tools, in this manual I will focus on one of the simplest. It is a tool Replacing fonts. It can replace one font with […]

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